Common Forklift FAQs

There is a significant amount of legislation and guidelines to consider when it comes to the operation of forklift trucks of any kind. Knowing what you can and cannot do, knowing the various details and facets of forklift operation – it is vital that they are fully understood. This article will look at some of the more common questions that are asked about forklift trucks and their use:


I am trained to operate one type of forklift. Can I operate others?

You are only allowed to operate the specific type of forklift that you specifically qualified for. Your permit will tell you what type of truck that is – if you need to use a larger truck or a different type of truck, conversion training will be required. There are three categories of truck:

B1 (up to 5,000kgs)
B2 (5,000 to 15,000kgs)
B3 (over 15,000kgs)

What are the legal requirements for forklift refresher training?

The HSC Code of Practice is very clear in stating that periodic re-assessment is a requirement for the operation of all types of forklifts. The Code recommends that all employers should monitor the performance of their forklift operators in order to ensure they are meeting the required standards at all times. If it is deemed that their operation is not of the required level, then refresher training should be scheduled. Refresher training should always be carried out after any forklift-related accidents in the workplace.

How long does my certification last?

The certification’s length is not specified in any rules or guidelines, but there is an onus placed on the employer to show that employees have received sufficient refresher training in order to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act. It is recommended across the board that refresher training courses take place regularly, with the period in between courses lasting no longer than three years.

Am I required to wear a seatbelt?

Although this rule is a given in almost all forms of transport, the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) states forklift operators are only required to wear a seatbelt or restraint if there is a significant risk of the truck overturning.

Where can I use a forklift?


Forklift trucks must be used within the ‘immediate vicinity’ of the workplace, which equates to 1,000 yards of the site. For any usage within this area, the forklift must be registered with the DVLA as a ‘works vehicle’, and your insurance company should be notified of your plans to use it on the road.

By taking care to follow all regulations, guidelines and safety advice regarding the use of forklifts, you can minimise the risk of accidents and ensure that your businesses are running as smoothly as possible.

Here at Euro 1 Training, we are proud to offer the best possible forklift training for individuals and businesses alike. If you would like to know more about what we do, please get in touch with us today and we’ll be happy to help.